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Xaali O'Reilly Berkeley

Postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & CREAF

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & CREAF (Catalunya), where I am using sedimentary ancient DNA to investigate ecosystem changes on islands over time with Dr Sandra Nogué (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and Dr Inger G. Alsos (The Arctic University Museum of Norway). For my PhD, I studied plant genotype effects on associated microbial and invertebrate communities, using epiphytic bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) and false-bird-of-paradise plants (Heliconiaceae) as models in the hyperdiverse rainforest of Ecuador.


Common techniques used throughout my various research projects have included tropical field work, tree-climbing, metabarcoding, microsatellite development, processing sequencing data, and statistical analysis.


More generally...

With broad interests that span the various disciplines within ecology and evolutionary biology, I am particularly interested in the processes that structure ecosystems and biotic interactions.


The diversity and inherent complexity of tropical forests appeal to me especially, and I have over seven years of field experience in the Ecuadorian Amazon and the Andean cloud forest, as well as a smattering of experience in Malagasy littoral forest, Western-Mediterranean terrestrial habitats, and Polish primeval forest.



2022 - PhD Ecological genetics of habitat-forming plants

Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

2014 - BSc (Hons) Zoology with industrial experience

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

2009 - Batxillerat LOGSE Ciències naturals i de la salut

I.E.S. Joan Ramon Benaprés, Catalunya

Work Experience

Work Experience

2023 - now - Postdoctoral researcher

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals (CREAF), Spain

2023 - Specialist technician

Centre for Genomic Regulation, Spain

2018 - 2022 - Associate director

Timburi Cocha Research Station, Ecuador

2018 - 2021 - Teaching assistant & webmaster

Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

2016 - 2018 - Research assistant & webmaster

Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

2014 - 2016 - Research technician

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

2012 -2013; 2014 - 2018 - Researcher & communications coordinator

Timburi Cocha Research Station, Ecuador (on- and off-site)



Teaching assistant, various biology and data analysis courses - 2018-2022

Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Field course assistant, Tropical Ecology (Ecuador) - 2017, 2018, 2019

Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Field course assistant, Field techniques (Poland) - 2019

Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Field course assistant, Tropical Ecology (Ecuador) - 2013, 2015, 2016

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Field course assistant, Comparative and Adaptive Biology (Mallorca) - 2016

Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Undergraduate lectures - Examples: History of San José de Payamino; Conservation and communities; Bromeliad ecology

Amphibian husbandry training for undergraduate and A-level students

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Trained graduate teaching assistant for undergraduate laboratory practicals

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Content © Sara-Xaali O'Reilly Berkeley
Leafy background ©
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